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In connection with the forthcoming State Legislative Assembly Election 2023, the Expenditure Observers Samatha Muliamudi for 9 Kohima Town A/C, 10 Northern Angami - I A/C, and 11 Northern Angami -II A/C and Suraj Bhan Garhwal IRS for 8 Western Angami A/C, 14 Southern Angami - I and 15 Southern Angami - II A/C had a meeting with all the election personnel appointed in various capacities as part of the Election Expenditure Monitoring (EEM) Cell at DC's Conference Hall Kohima on 1st February 2023.

Speaking at the meeting, the Observers took stock of the first-hand information on the status of the ongoing assigned works from various teams under EEM Cells. They also emphasized the roles and responsibilities of various teams and asked them to take their assigned job seriously. The Observers said that they were in the district to see where it is not working and where it can be linked properly and further sought their cooperation and commitment for the smooth functioning of the election process in the district. The Observers reminded them that all rules issued by the Election Commission of India have to be followed and asked them to have proper coordination amongst themselves while executing their assigned jobs.

DC & DEO Kohima, Shanavas C IAS also gave an overview of the constitution of various teams under EEM Cell as per the ECI guidelines, and the number of personnel involved in various capacities. He also gave brief highlights on the ongoing job of various teams since the announcement of the Election and from the date of notification of the election. 


(DPRO, Kohima)