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The Mon District Task Force for COVID-19 was held on 4thJune 2020 led by Deputy Commissioner Mon Thavaseelan K, IAS who inaugurated the Fully Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer and Haematology Analyzer at District Hospital Mon. Dr. Shokwang briefed the gathering on the function and purpose of the 2(two)machines.

Deputy Commissioner Mon, Thavaseelan K, IAS informed that the machines were procured through funding received from cooperative social responsibility(CSR)initiatives and donated by Advisor, Social Welfare, Home Guards and Civil Defence, Noke Wangnao and well-wishers. The Biochemistry Analyzer Tests the functioning of Kidney, Liver, Lipid profile and Uric Acid level. The Haematology Analyzer is for testing of Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells count. This was followed a dedication prayer by Rev. Chemyuh Konyak Executive Secretary, Konyak Baptist Bumeinok Bangjum (KBBB).                                 

(APRO Aboi)