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In line with the Government of India’s Unlock 4.0 guidelines, the state has decided for a phased reopening of the state with many restrictions relaxed. However, the public is cautioned against misconstruing it as an improving pandemic situation.

There has been a recent surge in the number of cases in Nagaland. The positivity rate (percentage of positive test results out of samples tested) had fallen to 4% during 22nd to 29th August after which it has increased to 6% during 30th August to 4th September, which further increased to 11% during 5th to 11 September, 2020. Majority of the positive cases are among males (83%) in the age groups 30 to 44 years of age (45%) and 15 to 29 years of age (37%). Most common places of spread are office and household contacts followed by students. Apart from the armed forces, the recent surge was increasingly seen among the younger age group.

The department continues to work towards maintaining optimum facilities for management of moderate and severe COVID-19 patients, however, it is imperative that the general public take equal responsibility in adopting and practising preventive and precautionary measures to check the spread of COVID-19 infection through:

  • Self reporting for any COVID-like symptoms: Fever, Cough, Difficulty in Breathing, Loss of Smell/Taste
  • Follow the 3Ws (Wear mask, Wash hands, Watch distance) and avoid 3Cs (Crowded places, Close contact setting & Closed and enclosed spaces).

Adherence to safety protocols in offices, market places, public transport, and maintenance of home quarantine/isolation safety measures are of paramount importance to prevent the spread of infection. Familiarity with colleagues, family members, and friends should not lead to complacency as the infection is mainly spread among known contact persons who may have no symptom. Discipline among the young and mobile groups of people in following the safety precautionary measures is important as they are less likely to have symptoms and therefore become less careful but can spread to the high risk individuals (Elderly ≥ 65 years of age, those with other chronic diseases, and people with weaker immunity).

Every citizen and proprietor/management of both public and private establishments must follow the precautionary and preventive measures issued by the Government from time to time to check the transmission of COVID-19.

Any violation of the Government orders on lockdown measures is punishable as per the relevant section of the Disaster Management Act 2005, and the Nagaland Epidemic Disease (COVID-19) Regulations 2020.