iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)


Principal Director, Health & Family Welfare Nagaland has informed that the following Candidates are selected to undergo Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm) course at RIPSAT Tripura for the Academic session 2021-2022. The following candidates are provisionally selected through Academic Merit Marks.
Acceptance Letter may be submitted to the Deputy Director (Pharmacist DHFW) within 5 days from the date of issue of the Notification. Waiting List will be maintained for a period of 3 (Three) months w.e.f the date of issue of the result.
Selected List
1.      Lipoknaro Imsong
2.       Mhalevinuo Kulnu
3.      Lepoksenla Imsong
4.       Lhouvituo Kipu
5.      Rokke Florence. L (BT)

Waiting List
1.      Yansarhoni C. Ngullie
2.      Easter L Sangtam
3.      Ito Veswuh
4.       Mihite Apon
5.      Wochobeni T. Lotha