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Home Department has issued the following statement in order to provide clarity on the issue with regard to posting of ADC at Chumukedima and related issues. The Cabinet had decided in its meeting held on 11th March, 2021 to shift the Deputy Commissioner Office, Dimapur to the new Complex, Chumukedima. The Home Department was asked to work out the phasing schedules for the shifting of the DC office and other offices. However, on account of the reservations expressed from various quarters, the Cabinet had decided in its Meeting held on 10th August, 2021 to post an ADC, EAC and Sub-Treasury Office at the new Deputy Commissioner Office Complex, Chumukedima with a view to provide greater convenience to the public and with a view to decongest the Deputy Commissioner Office, Dimapur. Accordingly, an additional officer was posted as ADC to function from the new Deputy Commissioner Office Complex Chumukedima, and EAC Seithekima was transferred and entrusted with additional responsibility of assisting ADC at Chumukedima. On account of the concerns expressed by various organisations, the Government has decided to keep on hold the instructions issued by Home Department vide its letter No. GAB-8/DMP/63/2011(Pt) dated 7th September, 2021. (DIPR)