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IFAD team comprising of eight members and four members from Mizoram FOCUS team officially visited Nagaland on a five day Mid-term Review (MTR) meeting of Fostering climate resilient upland farming system in North-East, Nagaland (FOCUS) project supported by International Fund for Agriculture Development from 15th-20th November 2021 and held its inaugural programme at Hotel De-Oriental Grand, Kohima on 15th November.

The team will also be visiting the project villages from day two. The IFAD team is led by Anton Glaser as team leader for MTR mission. The opening remark was delivered virtually by Country Director, Han Ulac Demirag and stressed on the need to tackle on environment and climate related issues by the project. State project Director- FOCUS and Under Secretary to the Government of Nagaland, S. Tainiu, gave a brief overview about the project after which the team deliberately discuss both physically and virtually with the IFAD officials on the component wise activity its challenges and hindrances during implementation of the project. The team also highlighted on the Ad-memoire recommendation that was given during the Supervision Mission and the action taken.

APC and Mission Director FOCUS, Nagaland, Y. Kikheto Sema, IAS, stressed on the need to make Jhum sustainable agriculture which is an old age traditional practiced of the people of Nagaland which cannot be totally rejected overnight.
