iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)


In pursuance to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No. 24 (3)/E.Coord/2018, dated 04.09.2020 and Ministry of Communications, Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, OM No. F.No. 19-1/2019-SU-I, dated 12.10.2020 directives have been issued mandating the utilization of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) network for internet/broadband, landlines and lease line requirement for all Ministries and Departments of the Government of India, Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSEs) and autonomous bodies under the Central Government.

In compliance with the aforementioned directives, BSNL has formally requested the State Government of Nagaland to consider and issue favourable instructions to various State Departments for the utilization of BSNL services for telecom requirements.

In this regard, all the stakeholder departments are impressed upon to utilize BSNL Telecom Service for their telecom requirements wherever possible.