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The Department of History, Yingli College, Longleng, organised a field trip to Pongo Village, Longleng on 22nd March 2025, with the theme "Pottery: A Retrospective Traverse". The trip aimed to provide students with historical insights into traditional pottery-making and its cultural significance and the importance of preserving traditional crafts as part of cultural heritage.  

During the visit, the students were encouraged to look beyond the craft of pottery and engage in deeper conversations on the historicity of pottery like rituals, taboos (gennas) associated with it. They also engaged in hands-on learning, observing and participating in the various stages of pottery production. The local artisans demonstrated traditional techniques, emphasizing the historical continuity of pottery-making in the region. The students also interviewed local potters to clarify their doubts and additionally, helping each other translate the meanings of specific terms, facilitating a deeper understanding of the craft. This practical experience enriched the students’ understanding of pottery as both an artistic expression and a historical artefact.


(Manjong, IA Longleng)