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MLA and Chairman SDPDB Bhandari, Achumbemo Kikon said, Bhandari sub division is a pocket to big number of wild elephants and needs Wildlife Wing Office in the sub-division to help manage Elephant menace and reduce Man-Elephant conflicts. He said this during the monthly SDPDB meeting of Bhandari on 7th February 2025.

Lack of manpower in the forest department offices of the sub division to man a large area is also another concern he added. Chairing the meeting, the MLA welcomed new officers posted to Bhandari sub division. While reviewing the last meeting minutes, he emphasised that requisition of land for construction of the proposed Bhandari sub-division Office Complex, will be done as outright purchase, and that purchase of land will be done under the existing government rate for which the matter will be highlighted to the higher up.

Achumbemo also noted that public should be well informed that the initiative will not only help expand the town area but will also be convenient for the departmental offices as well as the general public. ADC Bhandari, Longasen Lotha (NCS) also informed the house that construction of the office of SDO (Civil) Ralan, has begun on the purchased of a plot of land at Ralan.

Chairman SDPDB also lauded the Bhandari sub division based departmental heads, led by ADC Bhandari, for carrying out village co-ordination tour of the sub-division whereby interactions were done with the Village Councils and village functionaries through which, they assessed how they function and also take stock of grievances faced by the villages. The house also discussed on revocation of decision of downgrading GMS Yampha to GPS; Utilization of VDB fund in the villages to enhance transparency and developmental initiatives, Attending the SDPDB meeting by the departmental officers posted within the the sub-division in order to strengthen participation for policy making; Additional requirement of Police out posts in some strategic sites along the border areas of the sub division to check border related issues and maintain public safety.

The house also deliberated on the matter of Geo tagging, stating that GPS coordination shows various areas of Bhandari sub-division showing under the jurisdiction of Assam, and Constitution of Rural Empowerment and Economic Development (REED) Welfare Society.

The medical department and Power department also highlighted their ongoing activities in the sub-division. The house also decided to hold the sub-division Departmental Sports Week in the month of March 2025.

(APRO Bhandari)