iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In pursuance of the power conferred under Section 127 A of the People Act, 1951, Kumar Ramnikant, IAS, Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer, Phek has notified dated 25th January 2023 all the Printing Press in and around Phek to follow the following guidelines regarding the printing of Election Posters, and Pamphlets. 

  1. Indicating clearly in the materials (Election Posters, Pamphlets, etc) the names and addresses of the printer and publisher or any such other material printed by them. 
  2. The printing press shall furnish four (4) copies of the printed material, along with the declaration of the publisher, hereby attached within three (3) days of printing thereof to the office of the Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer. 
  3. The printing press shall also furnish the information regarding the number of copies of the document printed and the price charged for such Printing job, not collectively but separately, in respect of each election pamphlet, poster, etc printed by him/her within three (3) days of the printing of each such document. 

(DPRO Phek)