iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner Tuensang, Lithrongla Tongpi Rutsa has informed that deserving case for District Commendation Award for Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Government Employees to be awarded on 15th August 2023 are invited from the head of the offices concerned for examination and consideration by the District level Committee.

            While forwarding, the under mentioned criteria are to be strictly observed:

1.       ACR/APAR for 3 (three) years.

2.       Length of service more than 10 (ten) years.

3.      Citation/Recommendation by the citation/concerned along with brief write up about exceptional contributions of the employee.

4.      The head of Offices may only recommend 1(one) employee for each category/grade.

5.      Integrity certificate to be signed by forwarding authority.

6.      Application/ employee who have already received the award should not apply again.

        Recommendation, if any should be duly filled up in the enclosed format and submitted to the DC Office Tuensang on or before 3rd August 2023.


(DPRO, Tuensang)