iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The Investment & Development Authority of Nagaland (IDAN) has set up a dedicated cell to facilitate the Chief Minister’s Micro Finance Initiative (CMMFI) of the State Government. The Cell shall be assisted by CMMFI CELL. The CMMFI Cell shall monitor, assist and provide hand-holding support to all the interested beneficiaries viz. Farmers, Entrepreneurs, Startups, business communities, etc. to avail the banking-related benefits provided by the Government. The Deputy Commissioners and all Nodal Departments can also avail of the services pertaining to CMMFI through the CMMFI Cell at IDAN. The applications received directly in CMMFI Cell shall be routed to the respective Bank/Nodal Agency after addressing necessary support for hand-holding and DPR preparation.

Following are some of the free-of-cost services to be provided through CMMFI Cell:

  1. CMMFI Loan Assistance for Farmers & Entrepreneurs
  2. DPR preparation and vetting.
  3. Banking and Financial Literacy.
  4. Awareness on Government sponsored.
  5. Bank Account opening and related issues.
  6. Banking Facilities.
  7. Other additional support.


For more information and queries, one may contact the Helpline No. +91-9436030303 during office hours (10:00 Am to 5:00 Pm) on all working days or by Mail to -idan.creditlinkage@gmail.com