As directed by the School Education Department, Government of Nagaland, all the Heads of Registered Institutions under NBSE have been directed to disseminate the following information and activities to the students, parents, and teachers. Every year, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) runs a month-long campaign, celebrating exams ‘Pariksha Parv’ during the exam period i.e. March- April inspired by Hon’ble Prime Minister’s “Pariksha Pe Charcha”. The main objective of the Pariksha Parv is to celebrate examination, and overcome examination stress by conducting various programmes.
This year, 2023, NCPCR proposes to launch “Pariksha Parv 5.0” with the following major activities:
- Live Streaming through Social Media of NCPCR-Facebook/Twitter and YouTube on topics related to examination pressure and stress, cyber safety, prevention of drugs and substance abuse, online education, safety and security, POCSO, career counseling, etc. will be done wherein renowned persons/experts from Mental Health field, Motivational speakers/Educationist/Cyber law experts will be interacting with children, parents, and teachers. The dates for the streaming will be informed after Hon’ble Prime Minister’s “Pariksha Pe Charcha”. It is requested to encourage students to attend these sessions.
- Inviting small audio-video messages from students on “Exam Warrior” through the NCPCR website (link- OPEN FROM 10/01/23 TO 20/02/23).
- NCPCR has created a network of qualified and trained Experts/Counsellors for providing psycho-social support to the children through tele counseling- SAMVEDNA (18001212830) to address the stress, anxiety, fear, and other psycho-social issues experienced by children during the examination period. It is therefore requested to circulate the toll-free number (18001212830) among children for them to seek help as and when required.
Subsequently, with reference to the above-mentioned point (b), working alongside the UNCRC principles of children’s Right to Participation, the Commission plans to involve more children in the program intrinsically, therefore, audio-video messages of about 30 Seconds to 1 Minute are invited from the children/students of classes IX to XII with full parental consent and with complete regard to child safety, virtual (online/cyber related) as well as real. In the message, children can talk about their experiences, pointers, patterns, go-to routines for relaxation, etc. which help them cope with exam stress/anxiety and ace their examinations. The children can also hold their “CHILL CHART” explaining the things they do while they are taking a break from studying. Few pointers for the children that they can follow while making the video:
- The video can be in any language (Hindi, English, or any other Regional language).
- They should start the video by introducing themselves- stating their age, standard, and school name.
- The children can use creative ways to put forward their ideas and experience.
Through the display of these messages on the National platform, NCPCR aims to reach as many children in the country as possible so as to support them during exams and promote positive mental health through messages of fellow children/students. The participating children will be issued a certificate from the Commission.
All the Heads of Institutions are requested to motivate students to participate with special encouragement to the participation of CWSN. Teachers should help students in uploading their audio-video messages on the Commission’s link.