iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner Tuensang, Nokchasashi has notified for district commendation award for Gazetted officers/Non-Gazetted to be awarded on 26th January 2023, that application has been invited from the Heads of Offices concerned for examination and consideration by the District Level Committee.

While forwarding, the under-mentioned criteria are to be strictly observed as follows:

ACR/APAR for 3 years, length of service more than 10 years, recommendation by HOD concerned along with a brief write-up about exceptional contributions of the employee (format enclosed), the HODs may only recommend one employee for each category/ grade, citation/ recommendations should be precise highlighting the performance and achievement of the individual recommended and integrity certificate to be signed by forwarding authority.

Recommendations, if any, should be duly filled up in the enclosed format (Annexure A) and submitted to this office on or before 21st January 2023.


(DPRO Tuensang)