iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

As per the directives from the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Nagaland, the Deputy commissioner & DEO Kiphire T Wati Aier has informed all the political party candidates and political functionaries that the campaigning period for the Assembly Elections will come to an end w.e.f 4:00 pm on 25th February 2023.

No meetings, rallies, or functions will take place after the deadline, until the conclusion of the poll.

All political functionaries should leave the constituency immediately after the campaign period is over. However, the restrictions may not be insisted upon the office bearers of the political party who is in charge of the state. Such office bearers of the political party shall declare their place of stay in the state HQ and their movement during the period shall remain confined normally between his party office and their place of stay.

(Wangshikokla, IA Kiphire)