iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

General Manager, District Industries Centre, Peren, K. Francis Hekavi in an advertisement has invited applications in plain paper along with bio-data and attested copies of requisite documents from the interested candidates having a minimum educational qualification of Class - VIII passed and a minimum age of 18 years as on 31st March 2023, for undergoing Cutting and Tailoring Training under Rural Artisan Programme (RAP) at District Industries Centre (DIC), Peren for a period of nine (9) months duration w.e.f 1st April 2023. A stipend amount of Rs. 500/- PM will be paid to the trainees during the training period.

Interested candidates can apply addressed to General Manager, District Industries Centre (DIC), Peren. The last date for receiving the application is 24th March 2023. The interview will be conducted on 28th March 2023 in the Office Chamber of General Manager, District Industries Centre (DIC), Peren.

Neither a separate calling letter nor TA/DA will be given for attending the interview.

For further queries, contact: 8837084326/8794239039.


(Mamang IA, Peren)