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Deputy Commissioner Kohima Kumar Ramnikant IAS has issued an order stating that in view of restoration work of NH-29 near Dzüdza bridge under Sechü Zubza {Between chainage KM 163+980 to KM 164+030 (RHS)}, which has been partially restored, the stretch of the above mentioned National Highway shall remain closed to all kinds of traffic from 06:00 AM to 07:00 PM with effect from 31st of August, 2024 to 2nd of September, 2024.


However, partial opening of the highway for heavy vehicles shall be allowed in between 07:00 PM to 06:00 AM on the above mentioned dates, for which, vehicles carrying essential commodities to be given priority. Heavy passenger vehicles like buses shall not be allowed till further orders.


Further, the general commuters have been requested to follow the travel advisory issued earlier vide letter of even number dated the 17th of August, 2024, as the stretch of highway is not serviceable for small and medium vehicles as of now.


Therefore, in the interest of safety and restoration of the NH-29, the general public has been requested to extend cooperation.


(DPRO Kohima)