iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)


In consultation with all stakeholders and in consonance with National Curriculum
Framework for School Education (NCFSE) 2023, it is hereby notified for the information of all
concerned that all Schools (both Government and Private) functioning under the Department of
School Education, Nagaland shall adhere to the following regulations in regards to the working
days for Schools –
All Saturdays shall be observed as Holidays for the Foundational Stage (Classes A & B,
Classes 1 & 2) and Preparatory Stage (Classes 3 to 5).
For the other Stages viz Middle (Classes 6 to 8), Secondary / Higher Secondary (Classes
9 to 12), the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month shall be observed as Holidays.
Assessments/Examinations, 10 bagless days and other non-academic activities/sports
events may be held on Saturdays. These activities may be held as per the school's context.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority and comes into force with
immediate effect.