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The District Child Protection Unit (DCPU), Noklak, organized a consultative meeting with key stakeholders on child protection under the Mission Vatsalya initiative of the Department of Social Welfare. The meeting was held at the DC’s conference hall on 18th October 2024.

The program aimed to facilitate dialogue among stakeholders, review existing child protection mechanisms, and develop collaborative strategies to address challenges in safeguarding children's rights within the district. Kito Ayemi, DCPO, Noklak, delivered a presentation on Mission Vatsalya's Programmes and Services.  Deputy Commissioner, Noklak, Arikumba provided the keynote address.

The discussion hour was participated by stakeholders from the Police Department/SJPU, Medical Department, Education Department, Labour Department, Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Juvenile Justice Board (JJB), and Child Care Institution (CCI).


(K. K. Chim, IA Noklak)