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Minister for Geology & Mining, Soil and Water Conservation V. Khashiho Sangtam visited PHC and Quarantine centre at Amahator town on 10th June 2020.

Khashiho called out on people to accept returnees without hesitation and stigmatization. He said this while briefing in respect to inflow of returnees from outside the state and that comparing to other parts of the world we are in a peaceful state. All returnees are youths in the age group of 20 to 30 with most of them asymptomatic. Naga returnees are around 18000, out of which, minimum numbers are students, while majority were serving in the private sectors, companies and industries, who suffered in the event of lock down. He said that Government of Nagaland has been sincere in assisting them financially to address their grievances and presentlyis engaged in bringing back the returnees who should be accepted without discrimination. He added that the Government has been spending huge amount of money in transportation, quarantine centres and in providing essential provisions.

Minister encouraged all the Frontline workers to carry out their given duties with zeal and also spread awareness to the inmates at the Quarantine centres.Khashiho donatedRs 20,000/- for emergency use and automated hands free sanitisers to the PHC authority. He further stated that the Government is ready to help in every way possible. He later visited the institution Quarantine established at the Government High School building Amahator.

In a short speech EAC, Chenithung encouraged the citizens to refrain from 'fear psychosis'. He said the DTF and civil societies are fully prepared to accommodate the returnees in Kiphire town and on exhaustionof space returnees would be sent to the institution quarantines  prepared under the District.

Addl SP Erie Kajire said all the departmentsare fully engaged in performing Covid duties. In Kiphire Quarantines are getting exhausted and more are about to set up in GHSS, Mount Shepherd School to be able to accommodate more people. He said that the Government hasinstitutionalised good quarantine facilities, providing all the food and essential facilities and encouraged the public not to fear.

(DPRO & IA, Kiphire)