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Many organizations and individuals have come forward to contribute towards the fund drive effort that was initiated by District Administration, Tuensang to provide immediate relief to the families that were most affected by the total lockdown. The target groups being destitute, daily wage earners, orphans, stranded students, stranded migrant workers etc. 

Among the organisations, those who have made notable contributions are Eleutheros Christian Society, Business Community, Muslim Community, Chang Gazetted Officers Association, Mothers Welfare Society, ENPO, TTBL, Various Churches and Tuensang Village Citizens Union (TVCU).

Many individuals have also come forward to contribute both in cash and kind. The money so raised has been utilized to pay for relief package, containing seven essential items of daily need (each costing Rs, 453), which has been handed out to over 1000 families as on April 2, 2020. So far a total of Rs, 523910 (Rupees Five Lakh Twenty Three Thousand Nine Hundred Ten) has been received from donors including the both organisations and individuals.

Besides, apex tribal bodies like CKS, YTC, KTC and USLP have been actively supporting the District Task Force (DTF) in every possible ways. The student bodies led by Confederation of Chang Students' Union (CCSU) are making public announcements urging to public to stay indoors and doing volunteering work in the Wards of Tuensang Town.

Tuensang Chamber of Commerce and Industries (TCCI) and Tuensang Town All Wards Union (TTAWU) are assisting District Administration in keeping a strict vigil on possible black marketing activities and ensuring smooth inflow of essential supplies to Tuensang district.


(DPRO Tuensang)