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The full text of the statement on COVID-19 as given by the Principal Secretary, Home, Abhijit Sinha IAS is as follows :

“The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India held a meeting with the Hon’ble Chief Ministers of all the states through video conferencing today, and reviewed the COVID-19 situation in the various states of the country and also sought the views regarding the extension of the lock down measures. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Nagaland also attended the meeting and was accompanied by the Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister and the Hon’ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare, the Chief Secretary Nagaland, and other senior officers.

In the meeting, many Hon’ble Chief Ministers of the States while briefing about their preparedness also requested for considering extension of the lockdown for some more time. The Hon’ble Prime Minister urged everyone to maintain utmost vigil as the coming three to four weeks were very crucial in the fight against COVID-19 and conveyed that the Government of India will consider the requests made for lockdown extension and give necessary guidance in this regard soon.

The Hon’ble Chief Minister thereafter also held a meeting with all the Districts Task Force led by the Deputy Commissioners through video conferencing. He complemented the efforts being made by all the concerned district officers for enhancing the preparedness level in the fight against COVID-19. The Hon’ble Chief Minister said that the vulnerable people facing difficulties during the lock down should be taken care of. He asked everyone to remain vigilant, and in case of problem being faced on any matter to immediately bring to the notice of the Chief Secretary and other Officers for redressal.

As regard the samples of suspected cases sent for testing, I would like to inform that as at 5pm today, 70 samples have been sent and the results of all the 70 samples have been received and they are all negative.

Today we received another consignment of medical equipments and accessories brought by Indian Air Force plane to Dimapur from New Delhi and the consignment is being brought to Kohima for further distribution to the districts.

The position of availability of food grains, medicines, POL and other essential goods and commodities continues to be normal in the State.

We have entered the 18th day of the COVID-19 lockdown today and I thank everyone for their continued support and adherence to all the lockdown measures.”