iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The full text of the statement on COVID-19 as given by the Principal Secretary, Home, Abhijit Sinha IAS is as follows :


“Good evening

I would like to give a briefing on the COVID-19 situation in the State as on 15th of April 2020

So far a total of 184 samples of suspected cases have been sent for testing from the State including, 7 samples which were sent today. 174 samples have tested negative while results of 10 samples are awaited as of 6:00 PM today.

I would like to inform that 18 tonnes of materials for BSL-3 Lab construction at NHAK, Kohima is expected to arrive tomorrow morning via Indian Air Force Aircraft depending on weather conditions

The lock down measures as you are all aware has been extended throughout the State up to 3rd of May 2020. These measures are crucial in preventing and containing the spread of Novel Corona Virus and I am happy to say that all of you have been providing your wonderful cooperation for the lockdown.

I conclude by saying that we require the collective efforts and cooperation of every section of the society for combating COVID-19.


                                                Thank You”