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SOP for entry of returnees from other states to pfutsero Sub-division, by Additional Deputy Commissioner Pfutsero Phuleshe K Yepthomi. 

  1. Returnees inbound for Pfutsero Sub-Division and initially Quarantined at Kohima for three day will not be allowed to disembark mid-way during the course of the onward journey to Pfutsero Sub-Division. 
  2. Security deployment is to be arranged by SDPO Pfutsero at all the Quarantine Centre ie, CBCC Mission Center, Nazareth School and JNV, Zuketsa.
  3. Screening, registration, of all returnees will be compulsorily done by Medical Team upon reaching the Quarantine Centre.
  4. After completion of all the formalities by the receiving/Medical Team, the returnees will be sent to their allotted Room and Bed. 
  5. Medical Team are to be stationed in all the designated Quarantine Centers and on arrival of the returnees at the Institutional Quarantine Center at CBCC Mission Center, Nazareth School and JNV Zuketsa, the Medical Department will take over thereafter. 
  6. Protocol for institutional Quarantine will be as per the provisions notified by the Medical Department.
  7. The Monitoring Committee of all the Quarantine Centres are to co-ordinate with the parents/guardians and ensure that the bedding/toiletries are to be kept ready before the arrival of the returnees. 
  8. Food and refreshment for the staff and the returnees at all the Quarantine Centre will be arranged by the Mess Committee.
  9. All grievances of the returnees are to be addressed by the Monitoring Committee of the Quarantine Centres.
  10. No visitors will be allowed inside the Institutional Quarantine Centres. 


(Avika Awomi, IA Pfutsero)