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Childline Advisory Board (CAB) Kiphire, conducted a meeting on 4th August 2022 at DC's Conference Hall Kiphire to discuss the issues relating to the welfare of children.

Childline Director, Tsusu Mary highlights the POCSO Act 2021, (Protection of children against sexual offenses). She also stated that it's very difficult for them to convince the parents when their children get abused, saying that exposing their abuse to the organization is not right since it will affect their career and bring a bad reputation in society and therefore many cases go unreported.

She urged all the departments to support the Ministry in every aspect to bring positive changes to the Kiphire District.

DC Kiphire, T Wati Aier encouraged the childline team to organize sensitization and awareness programme for church leaders and the parents so that they can disseminate the information to the children.

Childline coordinator Levi reported on their activities. He informed that they are collecting data about the children under the age of 18 years who are staying and working with foster parents and relatives through the village council. Some of the agendas highlighted in the CAP were:

  1. No gynecologist in Kiphire District Hospital.
  2. If a child-friendly room could be maintained in the police station.
  3. conducting awareness programme for church leaders, and the students' bodies on child-related issues in collaboration with all the stakeholders as many cases go unreported.
  4. Timely check up on major places where children hang out at night. As Kiphire has a good number of substance abusers among the children leading to thievery.


(Wangshikokla IA Kiphire)