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The second District Level Co-ordination meeting was conducted at DC's Conference Hall, Kiphire on 23rd May 2022 under the chairmanship of Executive Engineer, PHED & Member Secretary, DWSM, Er. Akokba Sair.

During the meeting, the members discussed various activities and action plans for the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM). Project Associate, NEIDA, Khrolhiwe-u Tsuhah presented the background of the partnership between NEIDA & PHED and MoU terms and conditions were also discussed by the members. She presented the overall activity status of JJM implementation in 62 villages under Kiphire and briefed on the planned activities for FY 2022-2023.

Junior Engineer, PHED, Er. Metmei Phom presented the FHTC status of JJM implementation in Longmatra, Pungro, and Khonsa blocks under the Kiphire district till FY 2020-2021.

Chemist, PHED, Horili Sangtam updated the Field Testing Kits (FTKs) training status for Water Quality Team, Kiphire district for Longmatra, Pungro, and Khonsa Blocks.

SDO Civil, James Khulu, in his remark, highlighted the significance of partnership with different stakeholders and communities to successfully implement a functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in every household by 2023. He also mentioned that the ISA's and third-party monitoring part is being engaged at the district level. He encouraged the members to actively support with renewed strength and vigour.

Executive Engineer, PHED, Er. Akokba Sair highlighted the DWSM functions and also mentioned that DWSM is responsible for the overall implementation of JJM at the District Level and is headed by Deputy Commissioner and Executive Engineer as Member-Secretary and various departments as members. He also mentioned that VAPs & DPRs for Kiphire District have been completed and approved.

(T. Tsuthong, IA Kiphire)