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Quarter meeting of District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) was held on 15th September 2021 at DPDB Hall Kohima

Highlighting an Overview of IDRN, Senior Technical Director and DIO, DIC Kohima, J.G Lorin Rengma stated that IDRN was a nation-wide electronic inventory of resources that enlists equipment and human resources, collated from districts, states and national level line departments and agencies. Stating that it was a web based platform, for managing the inventory of equipment, skilled human resources and critical supplies for emergency response. He added that Primary focus of IDRN portal (idrn.nidm.gov.in) was to enable the decision makers to find answers on availability of equipment and human resources required to combat any emergency situation which database would also enable them to assess the level of preparedness for specific disasters. He also informed that, to update data in IDRN, District Collectors or Magistrate are the authorized officials to get the latest information about disaster management resources available with various line departments and agencies and uploaded in the portal, using services of District Informatics Officers.

During the meeting, CMO Kohima has mentioned that positivity rate of Covid-19 has been declining to 2.6% from 10th September till date. She suggested reinforcement of covid protocols to minimize the impact of third wave. She has also informed that 2nd dose vaccine will be available for Vaccination at any of the sub-centres on every Wednesday in Kohima town.

The meeting was chaired by DC Kohima, Gregory Thejawelie. He has also informed the line departments to prepare disaster management action plan within one month.


(Akamla IA kohima)