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The Deputy Commissioner & Chairman DTF Kohima, Gregory Thejawelie NCS has issued 'message from Kohima District Task Force (DTF) on COVID-19' today the 3rd June 2021.

The full text is as follows

"The Kohima District Task Force on COVID-19 would like to convey sincere appreciation to all the healthcare workers, frontline workers, village and ward functionaries, civil society organisations, non governmental organisations, religious institutions, educational bodies, self help groups, political and voluntary groups and each individual for rendering altruistic service and cooperation in the fight against COVID-19.

         Team Kohima is committed in fighting this disease resolutely and every citizen of Kohima district is believed to be responsibly contributing to ensure that there is less spread of the contagion and resultantly less mortality due to the disease. This fight can only be won when each person behaves responsibly and practices all Covid appropriate behaviour. It is also expected that we do not encourage or practice any form of stigmatization to any individual who is victimized because of the disease. The most effective tools we have against Covid-19 namely, wearing a face mask, avoiding crowds and enclosed spaces, maintaining hand hygiene and physical distance, timely testing and isolation should all be amply and responsibly followed and utilized. Vaccination is the only way we can shorten this pandemic and because of which every eligible benefactor should come forward to be inoculated. For any assistance during this pandemic, the Kohima DTF on covid-19 can be reached at our 24x7 Helpline Nos. 6033833879/9362705742 or through warroomkohima@gmail.com".

(DPRO, Kohima)