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The launch program of "Hamara Sankalp, Viksit Bharat Yatra" under Mokokchung district took place at Ungma village on November 15, 2023, spearheaded by the District Administration.

President Ao Senden, Chubawati Longchar, graced the launching program as the chief guest and led the reading of the pledge for Viksit Bharat.

Success experiences from beneficiaries were shared during the program. Alila from Onchenna SHG received the Outstanding Achievers Award. Folk dance presentations added cultural vibrancy to the event.

EAC (Hq) Vitolu presided over the program. Asstt. Commissioner and District Nodal Officer Mokokchung, Ajit Kumar, IAS, briefed the gathering on the significance of the Yatra.
Cooperative sectors set up stalls to enhance connectivity with consumers during the event.

Following the launch program of the Yatra, a subsequent program was conducted at the community hall in Khensa.

(DPRO Mokokchung)