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Advisor, Industries & Commerce, Labour & Employment and Skill Development, Imnatiba visited Tuli CHC and Inter-State Check Gate at Watiyongpang under Tuli Sub-Division on 4th April, 2020.

He interacted with ADC Tuli, officers from police and medical departments and public leaders. He donated medicines, masks and sanitisers to CHC Tuli and also provided financial assistance to the district administration, police, CHC and volunteers assisting the administration and police at the inter-state check gate.

Legislators in-charge for Mokokchung District, Minister for Rural Development Metsubo Jamir, and Advisor for Treasuries & Accounts, Dr. Longrineken also visited Tuli Sub-Division on 6th of April, 2020 and inspected CHC Tuli and Watiyongpang Check Gate.

The Minister provided financial assistance to Tzudikong Adhoc Town Committee and also provided masks, gloves and sanitisers to CHC Tuli, Administration and Police.


(APRO, Tuli)