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Likya colony Wokha celebrated its 75th Platinum jubilee, with the theme "Brighten Your Colony" From 12th - 13th December 2023 with MLA, Wokha Y. Mhonbemo Humtsoe as the Chief Host.

While greeting the Colony for the momentous occasion, the Chief Host thanked the pioneer of the colony who laid the foundation and has brought this far, reflecting on the colony's humble beginnings with four households and acknowledged their role and emphasized the need to document such history.

Highlighting the essence of jubilee, he underscored its significance in rectification, honouring elders, and fostering a harmonious society. The Guest Host encouraged introspection, urging individuals to draw inspiration from ancestors for forgiveness, love, and inclusiveness. Emphasizing human imperfection, he advocated for embracing a spirit of forgiveness, sharing, and reconciliation, likening it to God's teachings.

Addressing the communal aspect, the MLA stressed the importance of loving neighbours, shedding grudges, and striving for a society reminiscent of divine virtues. Encouraging generosity and belief in jubilee blessings, he urged individuals to be memorable contributors to the community's story. Humtsoe also released the jubilee souvenir.

On behalf of the Wokha District Administration, SDO (C), Tsidi Hairang Zealing delivered jubilee greetings. He said that in his own personal perspective Wokha District is not only Land of plenty but is also land of intellectuals, which should not be confined in their own district alone but should come out from their own comfort zone and should continue to contribute their good  works to transform the state.

Other highlights of the programme includes, welcome address by N. Thungjamo Lotha, brief history on the establishment of the colony was highlighted by Dr. LM Murray.

On behalf of the Lotha Hoho and the Wokha District Village Council Chairman Association a short speech was delivered by the Wokha village Chairman Vandan E. Rie. Colony choir presented the colony anthem and a vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. N. M. Kithan.

Earlier, the Jubilee Monolith was unveiled by Rev. Nyanchumo Lotha, Executive Secretary, LBCA, Vankhosung.

(DPRO Wokha)