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As decided during the Tseminyu SDPDB meeting, which was held on 8thJuly 2021at ADC’s conference hall, Tseminyu, led by administration and heads of offices, a mass social work by all the government offices in Tseminyu town was held on 7th August 2021.

The cherry tree saplings distributed are to be adopted and maintained by the following offices under Tseminyu as follows:

  1. ADC compound. Number of trees 14(fourteen), to be maintained by District Administration.sl.no.1-14.
  2. Indoor stadium area. Number of trees 3(three), to be maintained by Power Department.sl.no.15-17
  3. Inspector Supply Office area. Number of trees 3(three), to be maintained by Industries & commerce.sl.no.18-20
  4. BDO office area. Number of trees 4( four), to be maintained by RD (BDO) tseminyu.sl.no21-24
  5. Old ADC office area. Number if trees 5( five), to be maintained by PWD(R&B) sl.no 25-29
  6. SBI road. Number of trees 5(five), to be maintained by SBI 30-32 and Treasuries & Accounts 33 & 34.
  7. Town road below ADC residence. Number of trees 13, to be maintained by Agri.sl.no.35-40, IPR.sl.no.41-43, Food & Civil Supply. sl.no.44 & 45 and Fishery.sl.no.46 & 47.
  8. TTC market area. Number of trees 9(nine) to be maintained by PHE.sl.no.48-50 and Social Welfare 51-56.
  9. Old Thana area. Number of trees 5(five), to be maintained by Forest Depart.sl.no.57-61.
  10. LPG agency junction area. Number of trees 6 (six), to be maintained by AH & VS. sl.no.62-65 and NSCB.sl.no.66 & 67.
  11. Town area road above SDO(C) residence. Number of trees 5(five), to be maintained by Soil & water conservation.sl.no.68-72.
  12. AG rest house compound. Number of trees 8(eight), to be maintained by School Education (SDEO) sl.no.73-76 and GHSS.sl.no 77-80.
  13. Town hall compound. Number of trees 12(twelve), to be maintained by 4th NAP B Company.sl.no.81-86 and DEF (PS)87-92.
  14. NST area. Number of trees 4(four), to be maintained by Bank of Baroda. sl.no. 93-94 and NST.sl.no.95 & 96.
  15. NDPP office junction area. Number of trees 4(four), to be maintained by Horticulture departt.sl.no.97-100.

(APRO Tseminyu)