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Aditya Kamlakar Somkumar, the Expenditure Observer (EO) for 49 A/C Tamlu and 50 A/C Longleng under Longleng district held a coordination meeting with all the teams/cells constituted under the Election Expenditure Monitoring (EEM), on 1st February 2023 at DPDB hall, Longleng.

The Expenditure Observer highlighted the roles and responsibilities of each team/cell constituted under EED while urging the video surveillance team to maintain proper recording of the election speeches to check violations of the Model Code of Conduct. He asserted that all paper works are extremely important and urged the team to maintain proper records, and report on time as instructed by the Commission. Aditya exhorted them to go through the instructions and guidelines of the ECI and discharge their assigned responsibility with utmost sincerity with strict adherence to the instructions of the ECI for the success of the election. 

In his short speech, the DC & DEO Longleng, Dharam while stressing the duties appealed to the EEM team to extend cooperation and coordinate each other among the teams to ascertain no lapse in their duties. He informed that every report is equally important and urged the teams to give daily reports of their performance.

SP, Longleng also spoke and briefed on the specific roles of Frying Square and Static Surveillance Teams, and procedures for checking female women personnel only. She also briefed on various Sections of Acts and Representatives of election law.

The team leaders along with members of FST, SST, VVT, VST, MCMC, Social Media Team, and DLMT attended the meeting and interacted with the EO. 


(DPRO Longleng)