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Deputy Commissioner Longleng, Dharam Raj launched the Meri Maati Mera Desh campaign at Longleng Town Council office on 14th August 2023.

The Deputy Commissioner highlighted the purpose of the campaign which he said is to honor the brave martyrs of the nation who sacrificed their lived for the country. He called upon the people to work harder to achieve that purpose. Administration of panch pran pledge, selfie, planting of three saplings at LTC office compoud were organised during the event.

National Anthem was presented by students of Christian High School, Longleng. The event was chaired by Extra Assistant Commissioner hq. Longleng, Dr. Samuel Akho Konyak P.

Earlier, Deputy Commissioner Longleng Dharam Raj IAS dedicated the shilaphalakam (monolith) commemorating the event. The programme was attended by government officials from various departments, NGOs and Students.

  (DPRO Longleng)