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            The full text of the message of the Hon’ble Governor of Nagaland, La Ganesan on
the occasion of the Armed Forces Flag Day is as follows:

            “On the Occasion of the Armed Forces Flag Day, which is being observed throughout the country on 7th December to honour the Martyrs and the men in uniform who valiantly fought and continue to do so on our borders to safeguard the country and honour. The Day is intended to honour the Martyrs and salute the veterans and the brave. This day is celebrated to enlist  public cooperation and support for three basic purposes rehabilitation/ welfare and resettlement of Ex. Service Men and their families and for the welfare of Battle Casualties in general. On this occasion, I appeal to all citizens to contribute generously towards the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund, which will go a long way in supplementing the efforts of the Government for the welfare of war widows, disabled soldiers, and the Ex-servicemen and serving soldiers- who have been safeguarding the Nation from external aggression and come to the aid of civil authority at the time of natural calamities and disasters.

For the battles, they have fought for us, for the glory they have brought to the nation, and to have progress and harmony in the nation, let us salute our Armed Forces on Armed Forces Flag Day.