District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) Kohima conducted a tabletop exercise on an earthquake with all the concerned line/relevant departments on the 2nd of March, 2022 at DC's Conference Hall.
A District level mock exercise simulating an earthquake scenario will be conducted on the 3rd March 2022 in the vicinity of DC's Office Kohima at 11 AM to test the response system and preparedness of the government departments and their stakeholders. The mock exercise will be jointly organized by DDMA, Kohima, collaborating with Home Guards and Civil Defence & SDRF Kohima and 12 Bn. NDRF, Kohima Team.
In this connection, DC & Chairman DDMA, Gregory Thejawelie IAS informed the general public not to panic but to cooperate with the mock drill exercise. He further informed that normal traffic flow and vehicle parking will be affected in the area.
"As notified and directed by the State Disaster Management Authority, such annual exercises have been carried out in different locations/areas of the district to ensure and observe the level of preparedness in tackling any eventualities in times of any unfortunate incidents that may occur", DC said.
DC added that the command system under the laid down Incident Response System (IRS) structure has to be followed in times of any untoward incidents and called upon the line departments and participating stakeholders to respond effectively as per the system for better coordination and efficiency during any rescue operation.
ADC Kohima and CEO DDMA, N Bhavani Sri highlighted the roles and responsibilities of various sections under the IRS structure and requested all concerned DDMA & IRS members to report at the staging area, which is identified as the Kohima local ground.
DDMO & DPA deliberated on the scenario to be simulated during the actual mock exercise which will demonstrate collapsed structures, fire, medical care, etc in the event of the earthquake.
(DPRO Kohima)