The SDG Coordination Centre (SDGCC), Planning & Coordination Department will continue the second of the ‘Nagaland for Green Christmas’ campaign this year. This Campaign focuses on mobilising all the residents of Nagaland to celebrate a sustainable and environment-friendly Christmas. The key objective of the campaign is to align the festival celebration to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) dissemination and spark on ground action for making Christmas and beyond, sustainable. The festive season is traditionally the period of peak consumption across the state. With a little know-how, we can actually host a state-wide sustainable and eco-friendly Christmas. From the type of tree we buy to the food we eat, everything - no matter how big or small - can make a huge difference. The key is to incorporate small changes and considerations into our normal routine- think about the items we buy, how we use them and bow we dispose of them as well.
As part of this campaign, the Department opened up the ‘Green Christmas Contest 2021’ which will be taking applications from December 1-25, 2021. The theme for this year’s contest is ‘Minimalism’-involving celebration to the maximum by using minimum and locally availably resources Residents/ communities of Nagaland can apply sharing 1-5 photographs and one video of not more than a minute to showcase the best practices of how they are celebrating a Green Christmas. The same may be also shared on social media platforms with #NagalandforGreenChristmas #NagalandForSDGs. Three winners will be awarded INR 10,000 each. To participate in the contest, log on to: https //