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The Nagaland Law Students' Federation commenced its Silver Jubilee Celebration under the theme "Forging Equitable Justice" at the Capital Convention Centre, New Secretariat Road, Kohima on December 12, 2023.

The Special Guest for the event was Sharingian Longkhumer, Speaker of Nagaland Legislative Assembly, and the Theme Speaker was Adv. Akito Zhimomi, President of the Nagaland Bar Association. The program was chaired by Grace I Namgi, Education Secretary of NLSF.

In his Presidential Address, T. Tohuka Achumi, President of NLSF, expressed gratitude and recognition for the contributions of the early leaders who devoted their time and efforts to establish the Nagaland Law Students' Federation in 1998. He encouraged the present generation of leaders and law students to value and uphold the legacy created by their predecessors.

Tiakaba Jamir, the first president of NLSF, shared the vision behind the formation of the federation and offered wishes and advice to law students, urging them to be torchbearers of justice in everyday life.

Zashekhono Tetso, the first women coordinator of NLSF, narrated the journey of the Nagaland Law Students' Federation, providing insight into its evolution and growth.

Adv. Akito Zhimomi, in his address on the theme "Forging Equitable Justice," highlighted the significance of promoting fairness and justice in society.

The Special Guest, Sharingain Longkhumer, released the Jubilee Souvenir and emphasized the importance of high-value practices through which the federation and law students can contribute meaningfully to the people of the state.


(Phyocahabemo IA & Kongle, IA)