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The Nagaland Board of School Education has notified for information of all the Heads of Institutions that INSPIRE Award MANAK Scheme is a flagship program implemented by the Ministry of Science and Technology with a basic objective to instill creative/innovative thinking among school students in the age group of 10-15 years and studying in class 6-10.

The MANAK Scheme envisages targeting one million original/innovative ideas from students studying in more than five lakh middle and high schools across the country and selecting the best ideas having the potential to cater to societal needs and applications, for an INSPIRE Award, thereby motivating these students to take these ideas forward for prototype and product development.

The registered schools under the INSPIRE Award MANAK Scheme, in each financial year, can nominate 2-3 best ideas from their schools, through online mode, in the E Management of INSPIRE Award Scheme (E-MIAS) web portal (www.inspireawards-dst.gov.in).

The online nominations for 2022-23, will resume from 1st July 2022 and the schools will be able to submit their online nominations till 30th September 2022.

Therefore, all registered schools have been requested to take necessary action.

