The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, talks about the education system that lays emphasis on experiential learning with a focus on 21st century skills like critical thinking and problem solving. The NEP 2020 aims at developing a holistic and multidisciplinary education and therefore, has stressed on the integration of vocational education with the general education so as to eliminate the hard separations between arts and sciences, between curricular and extra-curricular activities and between vocational and academic streams. This policy aims to ensure that every child learns at least one vocation and is exposed to several more from Class VI onward. This would lead to emphasising the dignity of labour and importance of various vocations. It is the goal of the policy to reach out to at least 50% of the learners to have exposure to vocational education by 2025.
The vocational/skill education is within the ambit of National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) which organises qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills and aptitude. The NSQF defines common principles and guidelines for nationally recognised qualification and certification encompassing schools, vocational institutes and institutes of higher education throughout the country. The qualification ranges from secondary to doctorate level leading to international recognition of national standards. The NSQF is a competency based skill framework that will provide for multiple pathways of vertical and horizontal mobility with multiple entries and exits both within vocational education, vocational training, general education and technical education, thus linking one level of learning to another higher level. This will enable a person to acquire desired competency levels, transit to job market and, at an opportune time, return for acquiring additional skills to further upgrade their competencies.
In pursuant to the goal of NEP 2020, to reach out to 50% of the learners, the Nagaland Board of School Education is introducing Vocational Education from Classes IX to XII from 2022 academic session in a phase manner, i.e. to begin with Class IX. The vocational education will be an optional subject in classes IX & X and an elective subject in classes XI & XII.
The Competency Based Curriculum and Syllabus for Vocational Education for classes IX – XII has been adopted from the curriculum and syllabus developed by the PanditSunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), Bhopal.
In this regard, the registered schools have been encouraged to come forward in introducing vocational education in their schools to nurture the skill requirements of the learners. The Application Form for the introduction of the Vocational Education is uploaded in the Portal, in the Forms section. All necessary instructions are appended in the Form itself.
The following is the list of the courses for introduction:
Sl. No.
Domestic Data Entry Operator
Information Technology Enabled Services (ITeS)
Food & Beverage Service Trainee
Tourism & Hospitality
Store Operation Assistant
Assistant Beauty Therapist
Beauty & Wellness
Field Technician – Other Home Appliances
Electronics & Hardware
Solanaceous Crop Cultivator
Automotive Service Technician