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In continuation of Notification No. 82/2021 of even No. dated 27th September 2021, Nagaland Board of School Education has notified again for information and reminder of all the heads of registered institutions that VidyarthiVigyanManthan, India’s largest Science Talent Search Examination, for 2021-22 will be held on 30th November or 5th December 2021 any time between 10.00 AM to 8:00 PM for 90 minutes all over India.

Heads of institutions have been requested to encourage their students of Classes VI to XI to participate in this mega national programme. Science teachers who took part in the orientation meeting (Zoom Meet) on 1st Oct 2021, are especially expected to motivate and guide their students in taking these examinations. They are also requested to note that the last date for student registration is 31st October 2021. Registered students will be able to download the study materials to prepare for the examination and also take the mock test scheduled on 1st November 2021.

As notified earlier, VVM is also India’s first app based Open Book Examination. Registered students can take the examination from their home using their own device such as smartphone, laptop or desktop. Winners of school level, District level and State level will be given participation/merit certificates. Zonal level winners (72 students) and National level winners, called Himalayans (18 students) will be undergoing Internship-cum-Extensive Training Programme (known as SRIJAN) in the leading R&D labs of the country. National level winners (Himalayans) will be offered the Bhaskara Scholarships.

For student registration and further details, one may visit www.vvm.org.in

