The Nagaland Board of School Education has notified for information of all the Heads of registered institutions that in pursuance of the decision of the Governing Body of the NBSE, the Board shall discontinue the Environmental Education and Home Science as a sixth subject in the course of study at the Secondary Level. However, the Environmental Education components will be integrated/incorporated into other academic subjects.
In this regard, all the registered schools of the Board are informed to take note of the following:
1. New permission will not be granted to any institution for introduction of these subjects from this academic session.
2. The two subjects will be dropped as a course of study from the academic session 2022 in a phase manner (i.e.Class IX – 2022 & Class X – 2023).
3. In lieu of the above two subjects, the Board will identify new subjects which are vocational in nature. The new subjects will be notified in due course of time.