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The National Education Policy 2020 emphasizes on experiential, enquiry teaching-learning methods. Competency Based Education (CBE) allows students to advance based on their ability to master a skill or competency at their own pace regardless of environment. It focuses on assessing certain identified skills or competencies and is dependent on the ability of the students to master them. It is aligned to the progress of the students through their curriculum and is more linked to their pace of learning. Competency based learning will ensure equity for all students, differentiated support based on the learning needs of the individual students, assessment of progress based on the mastering of certain identified skills and use of formative assessment in which students will be encouraged to reflect on their own work and identify areas of improvement. Teachers will play an important role to identify and develop the abilities of the child.

The National Education Policy 2020 envisions optimizing abilities of the learner and move towards competency based learning from a traditional learning system. In this regard, the Nagaland Board of School Education in collaboration with the Dream a Dream is organising an Online Workshop on Competency Based Education on 8th and 9th September 2022 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Dream a Dream is an Indian non-profit organisation working to transform the experience of education for the 260+ million children that go to school in India. Since 1999, Dream a Dream has maintained life skills as a critical approach to help children overcome adversity and learn to thrive.

The webinar is organised for the teachers to get an overview of CBE on the core principles, key elements of curriculum design and pedagogical approaches and overview of assessment tools and techniques.

Schools will be divided district-wise for the first and second day of the online workshop.  The list of districts for the first and second day of the workshop along with the link for the workshop will be shared in the email address of the schools and district WhatsApp groups.

All Heads of Institutions registered with the Board are therefore, requested to attend the workshop along with one subject teacher positively.