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Nagaland Chief Minister Niephiu Rio launched Nagaland COVID19 Helpline to address challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic in the State on 3rd May 2020.

Rio said that the dedicated COVID19 helpline 1800 345 0019 will provide medical assistance to potential COVID19 cases as well as other health concerns across the State. Any citizen of Nagaland suffering from COV1DI9 symptoms or any other health conditions can call this helpline. The service is completely free of cost for all citizens across the State.

Rio said that for Covid - l9 specific telemedicine the State has partnered with Project Step One which is an organization providing technical support for tele-triage. Rio said that through this facility, citizens can stay at home and consult a doctor on the phone and take advice on what steps they should follow. The same service is available for any other health concern including general counseling etc. which will be handled by the State local health professionals.

Rio also said that the State Government is grateful to all the medical professionals, both Private and Government sector, who have come forward voluntarily to offer their services free of cost. He called upon Doctors willing to provide their services voluntarily in this fight against COVID19 can register themselves on: https://www.projectstepone.org/volunteer OR email credentials to the Department of H&FW Nagaland at pddhf@gmail.com.  Rio further appealed to all doctors from across the State to support the government in this initiative. He hoped that Telemed Helpline will be of good service to fellow citizens.

( Esuihangle, IA)