The Nagaland Legislative Assembly Secretariat has informed, through a press release, that the Election for the office of the President of India is scheduled on 18th July 2022. In the event of voting, if any Member, due to unavoidable circumstances requires to cast vote at New Delhi may obtain the Request Form A from the Assistant Returning Officers, Nagaland Legislative Assembly Secretariat.
It stated that normally, the Commission does not extend the facilities of casting votes by the Members at any place of poll, other than his/her State or the Parliament House, since it is very difficult to send the ballot papers of all the States to every other State. Needless to mention that the ballot paper in respect of every State is different from each other. However, there may be extreme cases where some Members may be forced to remain out of their State on the day of the poll due to compelling and justifiable reasons and therefore, may not be able to cast their vote either in their own State Legislative Assembly or in the Parliament House, New Delhi. To enable such Members to cast their votes during the current Presidential Election, the Commission has decided, in exceptional cases, to allow the Members of any State to cast his/her vote at any State Legislative Assembly other than his/her State if he/she applies for the Commission's permission well in advance, with full justification, in the prescribed Request Form B.
The press release stated that both Request Form A and B may be obtained from 29th June 2022 onwards from the office of the Assistant Returning Officers, Nagaland Legislative Assembly Secretariat, and submit the same latest by 4th July 2022 for onward submission to the Election Commission of India.
It stated that either of the options once availed will be final and no change of such choice will be allowed/entertained by the Commission thereafter.