iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

With the incidence of the exotic Fall Army Worm pest in farmers’ fields, a triangulate team comprising of the District Agriculture Office, KVK and ATMA, Mokokchung have been ceaselessly and continuously visiting and monitoring fields in different villages under Mokokchung district.

Earlier right at the onset of Kharif season, the field functionaries were well ahead prepared remaining  vigilant and  constantly monitoring farmers’ fields in case of any possible emergence of Fall Army Worm pest in the fields. Consequent to the information received from the Farmers’ Friends (FF) from different villages, the DAO-KVK-ATMA team have been undertaking pest surveillance and monitoring round ups in the entire FAW incidence reported villages. During the field monitoring visits, nature of damage, life stage of the pest and levels of damages are ascertained before recommending any remedial solutions. Accordingly, prophylactic and management measures are recommended including various mechanical, cultural and chemical approaches. The pest was found to be at the larval stage feeding pre-dominantly on the inner whorls of the young maize plants of knee high plant height or shorter leading to almost 80-90 % destruction.

Inputs such as Emmamectin Benzoate 5% and IPM kits were distributed to the affected maize growing farmers. Additionally, Rodenticides (Roban Cake) were also distributed to cucumber growing farmers for rodent management in cucumber fields. So far reports of FAW infestation is received from villages namely Yimchalu and Mopungchuket under Kobulong block, Khensa, Kinunger and Mangmetong under Ongpangkong South block, Ungma and Mokokchung Village under Ongpangkong North block only. The area of coverage by the pest varies from village to village ranging approximately between 0.5 Ha to 5 Ha. Research experts and extension functionaries have been working to further disseminate the FAW awareness and management advisories to the farmers through various extension media.