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Advisor, IPR and Soil & Water Conservation, Imkong L. Imchen condoling the demise of former MLA, Yollow Konyak recalled him as an intelligent versatile young and dynamic public servant. Having being elected two times from 42 Wakching A/C of Mon district, Konyak served as Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and as Minister of Forest during the 13th NLA. He added that in both the Departments he was assigned, he gave his best service to the people.

In his condolence message, Imchen stated that human destiny becomes cruel at times and so as to his ‘beloved brother, Yollow’ being taken away. He said that though there are no adequate words to express sorrow and grief for his bereavement, everyone shall cherish his illustrious career in public life in the days to come. 

Imchen and his wife extended their sympathies to his beloved wife & children and brothers & sisters and conveyed our heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved family. He hoped that the Almighty grant solace and mercy to the departed soul and grant eternal rest in heavenly abode. 
