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Deputy Commissioner Kohima, Kumar Ramnikant has issued an order pertaining to Parking Charges inside the MLCPs during the trial period of 3 (three) months. The category of vehicle and charges are as follows - the charges for 4 wheeler is fixed at Rs.10/- an hour and Rs.5/- per every subsequent hour and Two wheeler is Rs.10/- flat for a day. The Day rate and Night rate for 4 wheeler is Rs.1500/- per month respectively.

The Order further informed that to ensure smooth operation and management of the Multi- Level Car Parking, following considerations should strictly complied with - 1. Permanent parking of vehicles should not exceed 50% of the MLCPs designed capacity. 2. The Managing Authority of MLCPs, should facilitate the installation of proper traffic signages in the vicinity of the MLCPs to ensure the publicity and utility of the parking facilities and to deter random roadside parking and installation/ erection of the signages are to be done in coordination with the traffic police. 3. Local taxis shall be allowed to park and operate at the PR Hill MLCP @ Rs.50/- a day per taxi to ease the traffic congestion at BOC area. The order comes into force with immediate effective.

(Khekiye IA Kohima)