iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Day-1 : 22nd July 2024 TLM Day


  1. Teaching Learning Material (TLM) Mela/exhibition: All the Schools may conduct TLM melas in the school premises to create wide awareness on the importance of TLMs by involving students, teachers, students’ parents and community leaders to explain the use of TLMs to achieve important learning goals. Schools may also utilize locally available materials in creating such TLMs. Variety of TLMs provided to schools under ECCE and NIPUN Bharat Mission can be utilized for the TLM Melas.
  2. DIETs : The DIET can organize TLM Mela in the nearby School to display the rich TLM resources created in the DIET with focus on creating low cost TLMs using locally available materials. 
  3. Slogans & Poster Campaign: Schools can organize poster/slogan campaign for higher classes with focus on NEP 2020 theme, water conservation, social services etc
  4. Reading club: Schools can conduct reading class for students using library books, new papers, journals, magazines and other reading materials available in the schools. Age-appropriate reading materials for students may be provided for the activity.
  5. Story Cards/Chart Making/Toys & Games/story telling: schools may organize making of story cards, charts, indigenous toys and games as per age-appropriate classes.


Parents, community leaders, SMC/SMDC members may be invited to schools 


Day-2: 23rd July 2024 Foundational Literacy & Numeracy (FLN) Day

  1. NIPUN Bharat Mission aims to achieve Universal Foundational Literacy & Numeracy (FLN) for all children of ages 3- 8 years by 2026-27 therefore, schools having Foundational Stage Education may organize various activities under FLN.
  2. Schools can organize discussion on FLN activities, seminars, presentation on good practices involving students.
  3. Schools can play State NIPUN Bharat theme song in any suitable devices, screen FLN films to allow children to view. The link of the State NIPUN Bharat Mission theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Loy1cBlo6A 
  4. Conduct activities such as storytelling, activities to enhance language development for foundational stage children, learning of phonics and number games.


Day-3: 24th July 2024 Sports Day

  1. Schools can create awareness about physical fitness for students, healthy life style and harmful effects of tobacco products.
  2. Schools can also organize sports activities as per the availability of play areas and sport materials. Focus may be made in involving students to play indigenous games.

Day -4: 25th July 2024 Cultural Day 

  1. School can organize various cultural activities to celebrate the rich cultural diversity by wearing at least 1 or 2 cultural attires on this day. 
  2. Activity such as singing of folk songs, folk tales can be conducted by inviting elders from the school neighbourhood. 

Day-5: Skilling Day 

  1. Schools can conduct various craft activities such as weaving, handicrafts making, basket making, carpentry, clay models etc. Experts may be invited to render free services to students as resource persons.
  2. Schools can also organise field trip to the nearby terrace or jhum fields to enable students to experience and understand agriculture cycles, practice of multiple cropping etc. 
  3. Schools can also organise digital related activities such as DIKSHA, PM e Vidya TV Channels, Virtual Labs, Vidya Samiksha Kendra (VSK), various digital learning materials developed by the Department of School Education/Samagra Shiksha/SCERT/NBSE etc to create awareness of various digital platforms promoting relevant learning lessons for students.
  4. School having Vocational Education may conduct activities on skill education

Day-6 : ECO Clubs for Mission LiFE and Community Involvement Day

  1. Schools can organize various activities to celebrate the rich biodiversity in the State, create awareness on conservation by conducting plantation activities. Fruit trees may be planted in the school premises.
  2. School Youth and Club members can take the lead in conducting the activities
  3. Schools can also create awareness on the importance of waste segregation to ensure proper recycling of waste materials for meaningful and productive use. Compose pits for bio-degradable materials can be created in the schools.
  4. Awareness and techniques for disposal of toxic and other harmful materials can be created.
  5. Community awareness on various aspect of Education as envisaged in the NEP 2020 can be conducted involving community members. SMC/SMDC meetings can be held on this day. 
  6. All the Government School receiving PM Poshan Scheme (Mid-Day Meal) shall organize mid-day meals on this day. School may invite SMC/SMDC members, community leaders to share the meal with students. Schools shall organize Tithi Bhojan Menu where local community leaders or teachers can be invited to contribute/sponsor food menu or items.
  7. Schools can also create awareness on harmful effects of junk food and promote healthy eating habits. 


The following work assignments for School Education and line department have been made; 

The Directorate of School Education will be the overall incharge for coordination and supervision of Shiksha Saptah activities, issue circular to the districts, PM Poshan team to coordinate organization of Tithi Bhojan on the final.

SCERT shall provide necessary academic support, Coordinate with DIETs

NBSE shall coordinate with Private un-aided schools, ensure their participation and monitor daily report submission

NECTAR Project shall prepare IEC materials to create wide community awareness

Samagra Shiksha shall coordinate with the line departments for report compilation and final daily report submission to the MoE,GoI as per timeline