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One day Training on free Diagnostic Services for Laboratory Technician was at held at the Conference hall of Directorate of Health Family Welfare, Kohima on 25th July 2024.

Director of Regional Resource Centre for North Eastern States, Dr. Raj Prabha Moktan in her speech said that one of the commendable things about the health care system of Nagaland is the communitization of health care sector which is the first and one of the best in the country. She said that PHC, CHC and some district hospitals are performing well but diagnostic centres needs improvement. There’s a paradigm shift happening across the departments of the health sector in the country and diagnostic services need further upgradation and improvement, she added.

Asserting that Nagaland with 70% of the population living in the rural areas, she said free Diagnostic services should be able to reach the door steps of the common man and urged all the Lab technicians to have free interactive session with experts. 

Principal Director of Health & Family Welfare Dr. E Motsuthung Patton in his welcome address said that the need of the hour is to strengthen the health care infrastructure system, to enhance facilities and build the capacities of medical professionals to offer effective care and treatment in their respective communities, 

An overview of BMEMP & FDSI was shared by State Program Officer Dr, Mereninla Senlem and vote of thanks was delivered by Mission Director NHM, Dr, Akuo Sorhie. 

Training on free Diagnostic services for Laboratory Technicians was organised by National Health Mission in collaboration with the Regional Resource Center for North Eastern States. In the technical session, Topic on overview test under Haematology clinical pathology, Sample collection, internal quality control, overview of test under Biochemistry, Strengthening of Lab. Services and EQAS for Laboratory will be covered.  


(Temjenkaba Longkumer APRO)